
Why You Are Ready for Power


Is something holding you back from being the bold believer you are?  Perhaps you have been told, "Before you can hit the streets with the Gospel, you must worship for three hours to get ready." Maybe you heard, "Before you heal the sick, the key is to fast for a solid 24+ hours." Whatever the justification, there's a word I (and the Apostle Paul) like to use for this kind of formulaic "do this to get God to do that" nonsense: bewitchment.  Pray enough, and God will move.  Pray the right prayer, and He'll do a miracle.  Fast enough, and the heavens will open.  We have heard this kind of reasoning in the past.  In fact, we used to live this way to some degree.  But living a life of resting in God's grace far outweighs the self-righteous striving to bring revival.  The truth is - revival is here.  Plus, people have families to care for, kids who have school the next day, mouths to feed, homework to complete, chores around the house, and jobs that require a good night's rest.  Who has time to churn the wheel of religious striving.  Even if it is "charismatic" in nature, it is still rooted deep in religion as religion is the efforts of humanity to appease God.  The Father is appeased with Jesus and He has poured out the fullness of His Spirit on all flesh.  I rather trust that than do something that would suggest I do not believe He has already done it.  I rather rest in His finished work than toil in mine. Last summer, we had family come into town.  Two of the girls were 12 and 9 years old.  They hadn't really been in church in a long time, voiced they found church boring, and couldn't even quote John 3:16.  They didn't really have a grid for the Bible or the Holy Spirit.  We took them on a hike one day, returned home, and Keeli began asking the youngest about Jesus.  In a few moments, she was a believer!  Keeli prayed with both of them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit that same night.

48 hours passed.  Two days.  We were going to take them on their first treasure hunt/power evangelism outreach.  You may be thinking, "There is no way they were ready in two days!" This testimony is a great reminder that we have the fullness of the Godhead living inside of us - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Colossians 2:9-10) and that the Lord gives the Spirit without measure (John 3:34).  We didn't soak in worship for three hours.  We had full bellies so we clearly didn't fast.  We simply asked Jesus where we needed to go, who we needed to speak with, and what we needed to look for.  We prayed in the Spirit for a few minutes, wrote down our clues, and compared notes.

Keeli's parents were babysitting Anneli but joined in on the clues even though they weren't going with us.  We had a vast array of clues (that we later saw which were truly astounding).  But our favorite testimony from the night dealt with the following clues: Keeli's mom and I had the same location - a dessert location in town.  Keeli had clues dealing with crime.  Keeli's dad had the clue pen.  The 9 year old girl read the organization's name written on the side of the pen she was writing her clues with and said, "What if we meet a girl named Samara?" That's not a name you hear every day.  We didn't think anything of it.  We just headed out.

When we arrived at the dessert hot-spot, the place was packed.  But nobody was really standing out.  We got the girls something to eat (because who is going to pass up some great dessert?) and after a few minutes, the place cleared out.  It was closing time.  I asked Keeli to see if the two employees behind the counter needed prayer for anything.  They looked at each other with dismay and said, "Actually, yes." They explained how they had to call the police on someone.  The culprit knew these two called the cops on them and they were afraid what would happen when he was out of jail.  Keeli's clues were confirmed!  We agreed to pray for them and asked their names.

"I'm Samara," the second employee said.  All of our eyes were as big as saucers.  Did our 9 year old relative who is only two days old in the Lord just get a word of knowledge of someone's name?  It wasn't a common name, either.  It wasn't a Josh, John, or Jessica.  It was Samara!  We shook ourselves out of our bewilderment and prayed for God's protection over these two.  We still have the receipt from this establishment with the name of the employee who served us: Samara.

"If this is church, we want to do this everyday!" the girls said.  When we returned home, the girls ran down to tell of their adventures.  It's like someone turned on the joy switch!  Everyone needs an encounter.  No one should be denied an opportunity to partake in what the Holy Spirit has ordained us to do.  When stipulations are put on a person before they can see the Lord work miracles, we burden ourselves and forget that His burden is easy and His yoke is light.  The role of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Jesus.  There is no junior Holy Spirit just like there is no junior devil.  The devil doesn't have an age limit of who he wants to harm.  In the same manner, Holy Spirit doesn't have an age limit for those He wants to fill, empower, and operate through.


Mickey and Jesus

We returned from a wonderful vacation at sea.  Whether you love Disney, hate Disney, support the company, or boycott them, we were inspired by the influence they have on the globe.  We took a holiday at sea on the Disney Cruise Line and found ourselves on a ship with a crew numbering around 1,500 which included representatives from approximately 65 nations.  We began to ask, what can the church learn from Disney?  How did this company's influence see the results and success that makes it so popular?  How can a mouse have such a great impact?  It's a prime example of how art and entertainment can change the world.  We observed closely how every detail was given special attention.  The staff were over-the-top friendly, never rude, and always accommodating.  They went above and beyond to ensure our cruise was memorable for all the right reasons.  Everything was on purpose. Each and every turn we took, Mickey Mouse was there... and was often subtle.  It was a classy art-deco ship.  But the subtleties were everywhere to make sure the Disney image was intact.  Walt Disney was known for saying, "I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." For us, this life was started by Jesus.  Just as Disney communicates the "happiest place on earth" message, everything we do should be with purpose to reveal Jesus in excellence, in creativity, and with a message that God is over-the-top good and that the Gospel is a sugar-coated message for those who believe it - dipped in caramel, drizzled with chocolate, slathered with a generous portion of whipped cream, a cherry on top, and an Oreo crust.

So let me leave my previous thoughts on the correlation between Disney and the church somewhat open-ended for now to share a testimony about praying in tongues (different than speaking in tongues.  Speaking in tongues + interpretation = prophecy... Praying in tongues - or as Paul often calls it, praying in the Spirit - is fair game!).  Keeli, Anneli, and I were enjoying our dinner with another family on the cruise.  Thankfully, the parents with small children were seated in the same section.  This was a blessing as parents had more grace for one another should another kid have a meltdown... everyone understood!  Anneli began pointing behind Keeli and making a noise to get her mom's attention.  There was a man having what we believe to be a seizure.  Keeli instantly began praying in the Spirit at our table and almost instantly the seizure stopped.  She didn't give a five point lesson to the family we were sitting with about why praying in tongues is beneficial before she began.  When it's hitting the fan, you're "in the soup", or something bad is going down, you don't have time to waste with eloquence or ceremony.  You were given the power to act supernaturally where you are standing.

Jonathan Fawcett

Enjoy the Season

We waited anxiously to…

  • Get our license
  • Graduate high school
  • Graduate college
  • Complete our highest degree of education
  • Get our first real job
  • Fall in love
  • Get married
  • Buy our first car together
  • Have our first child
  • Buy our first home together

And the list goes on…

Do we live a life of purpose or waiting?  I think the response to that question is both.  What if in the midst of our waiting we are living out our purpose?  It can be so easy to become discouraged in the midst of our waiting for the next big step in life.  Maybe you know that you are called to start orphanages, develop the cure for cancer or end abortion but it seems so far out of reach.  What has God put on your heart?  He cares about the process, the journey and the waiting.  God is a big God and He orders our steps (Psalm 37:23).  There are key scriptures I live my life by.  That is one of them.  Another is Psalm 2:8, “Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as your possession.”

Everyday, I dream of seeing the nations know Jesus.  Not just people hearing about a good man who walked the earth and died for them to have eternal life with Him.  But for them to intimately know their Father who died, lives today, and sent the Holy Spirit to earth so heaven can invade their life now.  As I dream of all races and generations falling radically in love with my Savior, I find myself sitting in a small town in North Carolina.  It could be easy to think I will never have an impact for the kingdom of God or ask how there will ever be the finances to see the world changed for the glory of God.  Yet I find myself so full of God’s promises knowing that He has it all figured out for me.

I remember sitting in the car with my mom one afternoon.  After school, as my dad went in the grocery store, we saw a woman popping wheelies on a grocery buggy with her little child in it.  I was shocked!  The poor kid was barely hanging on!  At that moment I told my mom, “ I am so glad I am not the Holy Ghost.”  I realized it was just too big of a job for me to “fix” people.  In those few seconds of silliness, the Lord showed me that it really is not up to us to take care of everyone and fix everyone’s needs.  God knew that was such a big job that He died to send the Holy Spirit (John 16:7).  Thank goodness we have the Holy Spirit!  That should take a lot of pressure off of us!

Instead of worrying about what you are not doing, enjoy what you are doing!  Everyday remind yourself who God created you to be and keep focused on those dreams.  Our dreams always become our reality.  Whatever you set your mind to is what you will step into.

“Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super abundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].” --Ephesians 3:20, AMP

What is the biggest dream you have every dreamed?

You want to become a teacher?  How about see the education system as a whole glorify God and our history books teach the Godly foundation our nation was established on?

You want to create roller coasters?  Build an amusement park and give money to feed and house children all over the world!

Quit worrying about what you have not seen and start dreaming about what you will see.  No age is too old or too young.  God has big things in store for you.  When God speaks, be instant to obey no matter how crazy it may seem.  I can promise you that God always knows best!

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” --Philippians 4:6, NKJV

Keeli Fawcett

No worries!