
Bathroom Breakthrough: The Unchanging God-Man: Jesus

With tornadoes and death ensuing in an onslaught of torrential storms, many voices begin sounding in their attempts to justify why God "allowed" this to happen.  Isn't God "in control"?  It's the common phrase heard by Christians around the globe.  Jonathan tackles this issue by focusing on a simple Truth: Jesus.  He is the unchanging God-Man who perfectly demonstrated "Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" better than anybody else in history.  He is the blueprint for life and heaven.  He embodies truth, grace and love.  If we look at His patterns, we will discover that Jesus had no stomach for religion, unbelief, and condemnation.  Here's food for thought: If Jesus uses the devil to accomplish His will in the earth, does that make Him an adulterer for using someone besides His bride to accomplish what she is supposed to carry out?  The devil is not a co-heir with Christ.  We are.  Watch this and other Bathroom Breakthroughs at  Help a friend detox from poisonous thinking and SHARE this with them from our Facebook page.[youtube]