

Testimonies are powerful.  So is communion.  This involves both.  Our friend was lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant.  Her diet was very limited.  Keeli and I met in our friends’ apartment for a Holy Spirit Party.  We prepared communion at the end of our meeting and broke bread.  Our friend couldn’t have bread.  What was she supposed to do?  What happened next was an illustration of pure, unadulterated faith. Faith is activated through our action.  Our friend made the decision to take communion with the bread.  Keep in mind that the slightest amount of gluten would throw her digestive system into a state of turmoil for the next few hours.  We prayed, cursed the gluten and lactose intolerance her body had suffered, and released healing from heaven in Jesus’ name.  No lightning bolts lit up the sky.  No thunder was heard overhead.  No gold dust or angel feathers fell.  We just took communion.

Soon after, our friend went to Macado’s, a restaurant in downtown Boone.  She ordered the infamous Cinnamon Sensation.  Imagine a giant cinnamon roll topped with vanilla ice cream with more gluten and lactose than you can handle in a month!  She wasn’t acting out of presumption.  She believed she was healed, received it when she took communion and ate the Cinnamon Sensation without any consequences.

Why is this blog dedicated to testimonies?  The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).  Prophecy is what is to come.  When we shared this testimony to a group of Ivy League students, a friend from Harvard who suffered from lactose intolerance was instantly healed upon hearing.  What happened in the past builds hope and faith for miracle multiplication in the future.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Jonathan Fawcett