Blue Nails

When the seventy two disciples returned to Jesus, He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.” The only time a geographical principality falls over a region is when disciples go into the world to preach the Kingdom of God with signs and wonders confirming their message (Luke 10:17-20).  When followers of Jesus devote more time to shutting themselves away from the world to pray, fast, cry out, repent, and beg for an outpouring of revival, nothing will change.  Fellowship with God is wonderful, but transformation will never come when believers are begging Him for a solution He has already given.  His Holy Spirit has come and is poured out on believers to be radical dead raisers like Jesus.  While heartbreaking to both of us, we purpose to respond with faith in action.  We must open our eyes to the mission field in our sphere of influence and stop letting the awkward barrier stand in your way.  You are a house of prayer.  You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  You are the church. I recall Keeli’s testimony of praying, “Jesus, if it’s just you and me, we’ll see this campus transformed.” So on the night of September 13, 2012, Jesus, Anneli, Keeli and I went on a treasure hunt date.  We took a couple of minutes to listen, wrote our clues in the notes app on our iPhones, wrote them on the chalkboard and began to make connections.

We concluded to go to the cafeteria, Green Briar Theater, and Domino's.  As we took off, we immediately saw our first clue: A boot on the left foot of a girl with brown hair.  We followed her just a short distance to Cascades, the dining area of the Student Union.  We began asking her questions about her injury.  She, and her two friends, were very friendly and were believers in Jesus.  She let us pray for her foot, rib, and for direction as she made decisions for her future.  We believe she has a tremendous call on her life.

We then make our way to Green Briar Theater.  Surprisingly, through the doors comes our friend, Ieesha.  She was ready to join the hunt!  She told us the movie was not playing at Green Briar but at IG Greer.  We go there and wait.  We had some time to kill before the movie was over so we headed to the cafeteria.  As I strolled Anneli, some young ladies held the door open for Anneli and me.  Immediately I noticed our second clue: Blue fingernail polish!

I began asking all these questions pertaining to other clues.  Nothing was lining up.  Then Keeli says, “Look!  Roses!” The other student had a shirt with roses (one of Keeli’s clues) on it.  I explained what happened earlier in Cascades.  Then I showed them the list of clues on my iPhone.  They were stunned!  When strangers approach to tell you Jesus sent them specifically for you, your day can’t help but get better!  They were also followers of Jesus and let us pray for them.

We went back to IG Greer as the movie let out.  No matching clues.  Sometimes a location can be used to kill time so you meet the person God intended.  As we walk away we meet a friend on the path who is going to the next showing.  We briefly say hello and continue.  Wait a minute!  She’s going to the movies (clue #1), was drinking out of a green soda bottle (clue #2), was wearing yellow (clue #3) and was going to the movie (clue #4).  We totally had a Dumb and Dumber moment!  We turned around, found her, and explained that she matched our clues.  She has a ministry to China and needed funds to return this summer.  She also had an important interview.  Ieesha prayed for favor, provision, and grace to abound in her life.

After this encounter we went to Domino’s Pizza.  I have been craving BBQ pizza all week and we got one for 40% off.  I like when Jesus blesses us with good deals on good food!

Sometimes, Jesus sends us to unbelievers.  That night, we were sent to believers.  We can never get enough encouragement.  The love of God can never be reinforced enough because it is His love that makes the supernatural life effective.

*UPDATE The next day, I had lunch with a friend.  He begins telling me about his desire to write his friend who is currently in prison (clue 1) and explaining how life can be different for him when he is free (clue 2).  Go Jesus!  Two more clues the day after!

*UPDATE # 2 The Wednesday following our Thursday night treasure hunt, the student with brown hair and a boot on her left foot came to Immersion.  She shared that the broken bone in her foot would have required surgery.  However, after an MRI, the doctor said that the bone had moved back into place!  Another reason to not be discouraged if a healing isn't immediate.