Rich and Linda Brink are good friends. They are selfless, dedicated, joyful, and loving. We love Rich and Linda like family. We met them in Boston in 2011 at the Closer Conference for Ivy League students. They have shown us continual love, support, and encouragement. In 2012, Rich visited Boone, NC and ministered at the Fall In Love retreat we hosted and ministered to students and staff at Appalachian State University.
In April 2013, we visited their new home in Harrisburg, PA and experienced their outstanding hospitality. After living in Maine for 40 years, they moved to Pennsylvania to help launch Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry. It was an act of obedience to the Lord. Their heart truly is for the kingdom of God.
The Brink home received serious damage from a fire that began at the house next to them. Their third floor is totally destroyed. Their second floor was also severely affected. Thankfully, everyone is safe. Read the official story on and watch the news footage here:abc27 WHTM.
We have never once heard Rich or Linda ask for anything. We have, however, seen their heart of service and generosity. Now, it's time to give back. Click on any of the images in this post to donate and support Rich and Linda in their recovery. We love them dearly and desire to see them blessed beyond measure. Please pray and give generously as you feel led. Thank you.